How to Trust God to Take Care of My Kids

My son texted us at 4 a.m.

He was sick with a severe sore throat. OK, I thought. We can handle this minor long-distance emergency. Find a doctor in the area, send him the insurance information, make sure he has plenty of ibuprofen and fluids on hand.


Except for one little problem. He and his ministry team would be leaving at 6 a.m. in a van to travel 600 miles for their next mission trip, to an unfamiliar city where we don’t know where anything is.

Should he go? Should he stay home? Is it just a sore throat? Or something worse? Questions and potential plans swirled through my mind, and honestly, I didn’t have the right answer. We had to take a deep breath, pray, and make the best decision we could.

More importantly, I had to decide to give the situation to God and remind myself that He is indeed God.

Do I trust God to take care of my kids?

“Understand, therefore, that the Lord your God is indeed God. He is the faithful God who keeps his covenant for a thousand generations and lavishes his unfailing love on those who love him and obey his commands.” Deuteronomy 7:9 NLT

I love the above verse from Deuteronomy when I struggle to trust God with my kids. It holds two powerful promises we need. The first tells us that God is who the Bible says He is.

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The Lord your God is indeed God.

When we have a hard time trusting God and giving Him control of our circumstances - especially where our kids are concerned - we need this firm reminder. I can (sometimes) get carried away in my own thoughts, worrying and wondering what to do. I love it when God steps in and simply says, “I’ve got this.”

God keeps His promises for a thousand generations.

The second promise reinforces how much God loves and cares for our children, grandchildren, and generations to come. It provides hope and encouragement when uncertainty about their futures turns to fear. Oh, how God loves them! So much that he lavishes his love on us and assures us of His faithful care for our kids.

I needed this verse today. And if you did too, let’s stand together on the promises of Deuteronomy 7:9. Turning your child over to God may not be easy. Trusting God when it comes to my kids may be a daily renewal of my thought patterns. But He is faithful and His Word is the same yesterday, today, and every day of our children’s futures.