3 Obstacles That Can Show Up When You Want More of God

I love watching the variety of birds that come to feed just outside my back window. The different colors, sizes, and sounds they make remind me of the complexity of our God and all His wonders.

Most of the birds are average to small in size, but there is one exception. A majestic blue jay lives nearby. This frequent visitor is huge compared to the others. When he shows up, the strangest thing happens. As he sits proudly on top of the pole guarding the prized food, all the others perch on branches a safe distance away. Watching.

It’s as if that blue jay stands between them and what they most long for. And they won’t even attempt to get closer until he leaves.

Sometimes I can be like those birds in my spiritual life.

I long to draw closer to God, learn more about Him and hear His Voice, but I let obstacles of this world stand in my way. When things come up that demand my attention, I forget all about my desire to deepen my relationship with my Heavenly Father. I let them intimidate me and block me from getting what I most long for.

If you have the desire to deepen your relationship with God too, then you may feel the same way. Below are three things I’ve discovered that show up when I want more of God. By identifying these obstacles, we won’t be surprised or intimidated when they arrive. Instead, we can move forward claiming more of God in our lives.


Holding onto unforgiveness builds a wall between us and the One who so generously forgave us. We didn’t deserve such sacrifice, but that didn’t matter. God’s love covered all our sin, and He willingly gave His precious son to ensure eternal life for you and me.

With such a powerful example of forgiveness, we too can find the strength to forgive, even when it’s undeserved. If you are struggling to forgive someone today, start with this prayer. May it open your heart to the possibilities forgiveness offers.

Daily Distractions

I recently discovered a valuable resource for distracted women who desire more of God in their lives. My friend Betsy just released her book, More of God: A Distracted Woman’s Guide to More Meaningful Quiet Times. This book is packed full of helpful ideas for overcoming the distractions that seems to pop up right when we’re trying to pray!

While reading it I was encouraged to make small steps forward instead of condemning myself for doing something wrong. Betsy reminds us, “God is pleased by even the smallest steps we make towards Him.” Amen!


God could never use someone like me. I’m just wasting my time. Other women are much more qualified and talented.

Sound familiar? If doubt is a struggle for you like it is for me, meditate on this verse. You are precious, wonderful, and worthy of God’s love.

“For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 8:38-39 ESV

Whatever obstacle stands in your way today, let’s make the choice not to be intimidated. When we draw closer to God, He will draw closer to us. Let’s remember the truth of His Words above.

Nothing can separate us from Him.



For more information about the More of God book, click the image to visit the book page.