One Sentence Prayers for Letting Go of Frustration

Frustration. Ugh. Even when I keep it from escaping my mouth, it’s written all over my face. And if my posts reveal my frustration too, then those posts are pointing people to the wrong thing.

I'm thrilled today to share with you a free resource to celebrate our recent series on letting go of frustration, these One-Sentence Prayers for Letting Go of Frustration.

You’ll need to subscribe to my Life Enrichment Library to access this free printable. You can do that here.

One of the things we learned in the series is how hard it is to keep our hearts and minds stayed on God in the heat of a frustrating moment. Prayer and Scripture get crowded out by those feelings of frustration. 

So what can we do when we need to let go of the frustration and turn our minds back toward our Heavenly Father?

Each one-sentence prayer on this printable is based on a Scripture shared in this 4-week devotion series. I love praying God's Word. It connects me with His thoughts for me, and helps me claim His promises for my life.

These prayers are short, memorable, and portable. The cards are designed to be cut apart, so they can be posted anywhere you are likely to encounter a source of frustration. You can...

...carry one in your purse. one on your desk at work.

...tape one on the laundry room door. (Anyone else get frustrated near piles of laundry?)


These printable prayer cards are available as a gift to subscribers only. I like to provide resources for the community here at, because they are awesome!

If you are already a subscriber, these are available to you at any time in the Life Enrichment Library. (Don’t forget the password!)

If you are not yet a subscriber and would like to get a copy of these prayer cards, just click the image below and provide your email address where we can send you the password, too. (I promise not to share your email with anyone.) 

I pray these simple prayer cards and the other resources you’ll find here on this site will be a consistent source of encouragement for you. Enjoy!


One Thing That Can Replace Frustration with Peace

Yesterday our college-bound kid received an email.

Not just any email, though. This was an email we needed a few weeks ago, to make an important decision before an upcoming deadline. A response to three phone calls and one email request for information.

Did I mention we needed it before the deadline??

Needless to say, frustration hit instantly. Reading that innocent first line, “Did you have a question I can help you with?” sent me reeling. I wanted my words to express my irritation. I wanted the recipient to feel my frustration right through the screen.

So I waited to respond, because I knew I would regret it later. And once those words are out there, I can’t take them back.

It felt pretty good making it through that moment, but later that day the same frustration came bouncing back.

On my way home from a grocery run, my husband called. I took that as my opportunity to get it all out. Go for that temporary fix we talked about in week one. 

“You will never guess what happened today!” started the conversation, then I let the whole frustrated scene play out while he gently listened. His response brought a much-needed heart check. 

“We aren’t going to let that steal our joy today.”

My husband’s comment was just what I needed to hear. It also reminded me of an important truth. Frustration doesn’t end with a one-time easy fix. When we allow those little annoyances to fester, frustration finds a temporary home in our hearts. That’s why even the smallest thing can trigger it again. So what’s the solution? Is it possible to keep frustration away all the time?

First we need to make sure we aren’t giving it more power than it deserves. Frustration is just a feeling, but God’s presence is greater. Remember our statement from week one?

The way to take control away from frustration is to pay more attention to God’s presence than my feelings.


But the reality is that life has stuff, and that stuff can frustrate us. So secondly, we need a plan in place to recognize when it begins and block it from coming back again and again.

“You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you.” Isaiah 26:3 ESV

Keeping my mind stayed on God will help me replace frustration with peace.


If you’re battling frustration like me, know that God understands our frustrations and wants us to bring those to Him. God created us. He doesn’t want us to get frustrated with ourselves or feel defeated. As we learn to keep our minds on Him and turn each frustrated moment back to His beauty and grace, we will feel more of His peace. Then with that peace, we will be better equipped to push frustration away the next time, and the next, and the next.





Need practical, easy tips for tackling frustration when it begins? Next week I will have a special gift for you that will help. In the meantime, like our Facebook page here for more resources for dealing with frustration.