5 Things Every Jr. High Girl Needs to Know

5 Things Every Junior High Girl Needs to Know

(and every woman needs to tell her.)


“I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made;” Psalms 139:14a NKJV


1. Those girls that say mean things about you are secretly jealous. 

I know you don’t believe me, but it’s true. I know they appear confident, carefree, and secure, but there is something lying just beneath the surface that cries out to be understood.

Every girl wants to be herself and to be appreciated for who she is, but remember, someone who says mean things to others is covering up a hidden insecurity that she doesn’t want others to see. You can trust me because I speak from experience, not as someone who was called names, but as someone who was a mean girl for a time myself. I realized early on that a tough exterior could temporarily shield me from being a victim.

There were a lot of hurtful words spewed back and forth between friends that I now see were just a cover – a cover for the insecurity that sneaks into every young girl’s spirit and causes her to question whether or not people will like her true self. 

Know that the words may be aimed at you but are not intended for you. Once she realizes making you feel worse doesn’t make her feel better, she too will grow into the mature young lady you’re already becoming.


2. Being unique is the latest trend.

It’s cool to be yourself. So wear that shirt you like, even if no one else has one like it. (Especially if no one has one like it!)


3. That boy that annoys you constantly is just trying to get your attention.

I know, I know, he can be so annoying! I’m going to give you a tip here. Give him a break. Boys are growing and changing just like you are, and at this age they have a hard time expressing themselves.

He's just not sure yet how to appropriately communicate with you. It gets harder in junior high to realize that boys and girls can still be friends, just like in elementary school. Those simple relationships don’t need to change when you reach junior high, which brings me to my next point.


4. You don't need a boyfriend right now.

I’ll bet you're feeling a sudden urge to argue with me about this, so let me come clean while you take a deep breath.

I did have boyfriends in junior high, so I can say with confidence there is no reason to date before high school. As a teacher, I’ve watched junior high girls come through my classroom for many years, and the most successful students I’ve known are those who made a commitment to leave boys off the radar for a while.

Let me put it this way, anything that distracts you from achieving your highest level of academic potential needs to wait. School is for learning, and it takes effort and a strong commitment to God and to yourself to stay focused.

If you still have doubts about this, just ask yourself this one question. Am I planning on getting married any time soon? If the answer is no, then consider waiting on dating.


5. God made you this way for a reason.

Let’s break down today’s verse and look at it piece by piece:

  • Fearfully means to have a respect and reverence for God.

  • Wonderfully means to be distinct or unique.

  • Made means designed for a special purpose.

That’s you - a young lady who is distinct, respectful, and designed for a special purpose! So, you have reason to celebrate today. The craziness we experience as young ladies in junior high only lasts for a season, but it shapes us into the godly women we are designed to be. So enjoy being YOU.

