A Prayer for Overcoming the Fear of Missing Out

We all struggle with the fear of missing out on a good thing. 

Whether it’s an opportunity, a promotion, or a fun time when we didn’t get an invite. Missing out can leave the sting of rejection and discouragement over letting something great pass us by.

If you’re a busy woman who wants to do it all but knows she needs to say NO more often, this prayer is for you. God guides us as we navigate our busy lives. We can trust Him in allowing some things to be no’s, leaving room for the yeses He has planned. 

Let’s pray this prayer together for the times when we’re afraid of missing out. 

Dear Heavenly Father,

In the world we live in today, it’s so easy to fall into the trap of feeling like I’m missing out. Help me remember I can turn to your Word, Lord, to find hope during these times of discouragement. The apostle Paul learned how to be content in every situation, and your words through him give comfort and peace to me today. Help me apply the truth of Philippians 4:11-13 to my own life. In times when I’m in need or in times when I have plenty, I choose contentment. 

Thank you, Lord, for the open doors of opportunity I have right in front of me. When I feel like I’m missing out on an opportunity, help me to realize everything has a season. Help me also to see the joy in mine right now, and rest in where you have me. My current season is a gift from you. I have so much to be grateful for! Thank you for the gift of today.

Lord, I admit to feeling left out when seeing friends’ posts on social media. When those images cause heartache and rejection to surface, help me refocus on you and your goodness by putting down my phone and spending time with you instead. Teach me to keep things in proper perspective, and to remember social media is only a glimpse of a person’s life. Comparison, envy, and jealousy are not of you and have no place in my heart.

Thank you that my worth and value are found in you alone. I am who you say I am! Psalm 73:26 declares, “you are the strength of my heart.” I need that strength to be content, because your power is made perfect in my weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9). I confess that I can’t do it on my own. Thank you for offering the strength to help me do all things through your precious son, Jesus. I do not lack anything because I have you. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

This prayer is part of a longer article by Kristine Brown, “What Is Scripture’s Answer to the Fear of Missing Out?” originally published on iBelieve.com.